Vitaly Yusufov

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• Просмотров: 2276
Махинации Игоря Юсуфова: завод "Океан" и вывод миллиардов за рубеж через офшоры
Ранее СМИ подробно освещали, как бывший министр энергетики России и сотрудник КГБ-ФСБ Игорь Юсуфов, приближаясь к пенсии, стремился обосноваться в спокойном месте на Западе.
• Просмотров: 2274
Igor Yusufov and his shady schemes: what’s behind the large-scale manipulations of the Russian oligarch’s assets
Igor Yusufov is a Russian oligarch who embodies the negative stereotypes often associated with the modern elite in Russia. A former Minister of Energy, he has had roles at Rosvooruzhenie and Rosrezerv, served undercover as an FSB agent, been linked to offshore scandals and corporate raids, and was mentioned in testimonies from crime bosses as someone who ordered the murder of rivals.
• Просмотров: 2274
From fraud to development: how Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros build business through corruption schemes
The Tank Passage in Lefortovo will be developed by a company associated with individuals who may have previously been involved in fraud, car thefts, and other offenses.
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